Wheelchair Accessibility

Marcus Watkin, is striving to improving wheelchair accessibility in Shrewsbury and Shropshire. His goal is to help people, not just wheelchair users like myself, but all people, to understand the potential issues with access to businesses and public buildings. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy our beautiful town, regardless of their mobility limitations.

Accessible Businesses

As an advocate for wheelchair accessibility, Marcus is committed to promoting and supporting businesses in Shrewsbury and Shropshire that are wheelchair friendly. He is compiling a list of wheelchair accessible businesses that you can visit and enjoy without worrying about accessibility barriers. Check out our Accessible Businesses page to discover these wonderful places.

Advocacy Efforts

We are trying to make the Shrewsbury councils understand that they can improve access in and around the town. We attend meetings, provide recommendations, and advocate for inclusive infrastructure to ensure that everyone, regardless of their mobility, can navigate the town comfortably and safely. Follow our Advocacy Efforts page to stay updated on our latest advocacy initiatives.

Experience the Accessibility

Discover accessible businesses including accessible toilets and join our advocacy efforts for wheelchair accessibility in Shrewsbury and Shropshire.

I had to call on a great company in Telford called All terrain wheelchairs recently, to help sort my power wheelchair, they are a great company with a 'can do attitude' nothing is too much and they saw me at short notice. . They can be reached here www.allterrainwheelchairs.co.uk


Unfortunately this is an example of how the Shrewsbury town council got it wrong, the bollard has been placed too close to the curb, thus restricting access to vehicles with rear access ramps, like my vehicle, shown here, making parking difficult 

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